“We are so sad our son’s time with you all has come to an end, I know every single one of you made a huge impact on him.

From fully embracing his reusable nappies and vegan diet, to the love and patience when he’s having one of his emotional days, we cannot thank you enough!

He will miss you all so much”

Mr & Mrs J, Tring, 2022

“Thank you so much for all the care and support you have given our daughter over the years. It is clear that she has learned loads and had lots of fun. You’ve set her up to do well going forward by preparing her so well for school. We have been lucky to have such a lovely team working with her as well as her Sister before her. You’ve helped us raise two lovely inquisitive girls.

Thank you for looking after me. I had so much fun at your nursery school and I will have a lovely time at my new school.”

Mr & Mrs B, Wendover, 2023

“Thank you for taking such good care of ****** for the last 3 years and our 2 other children **** and **** before that- we have had a child in your care since the start of 2016 so ****** leaving feels like the end of an era! They have all blossomed at Marmalade Cat and we’re very grateful for the experience they all had with you.”

Mr & Mrs C, Long Marston, 2023

“We wanted to say thank you for everything you’ve done for *** over the past 2.5 years. *** has absolutely loved coming into nursery every day because you make it such a fun, loving and caring environment. She has felt so happy and comfortable around you all. We can’t thank you enough for the opportunities and learnings you’ve given ***, which have helped shape the little girl you see now. We know *** will miss you all so much as you are all such a big part of her life. Thank you for preparing her for school where her next chapter begins.”

Mr & Mrs I, Tring, 2023

“Dear the marvellous Marmalade Cat team! Thank you so much for everything you have done for us. **** is very sad to not see you. He has gained so much by being with you and we are so grateful for your care, love and kindness.”

Mr & Mrs W, Tring, 2023

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